Is there anything left to say about Apple chairman Steve Jobs, who passed away on Wednesday?  He was just 56 years old and he died from pancreatic cancer, a fast, cruel way to die.  The commentary, both in newspapers and on twitter, praises him for “changing” the way we communicate, watch movies, listen to music, make presentations, and, basically, live.  And it credits him as a “genius,” breaking boundaries in computer technology.  The truth is that Steve Wozniak designed the first Apple computers, and that Jonathan Ive designed the roster of current, iconic Apple products: the iMac, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad.

If Jobs had a genius, it was for taste-making.  He wasn’t a scientist, he was an aesthete,  an aesthete with an astounding gift for marketing.  Just the day before he died Apple unveiled the latest iteration of the iPhone, the 4S, that resembled the earlier model but was enhanced with voice-detection.  Both geeks and and laymen were disappointed, because they didn’t just want a phone that was innovative, they wanted a phone that also looked innovative.  (Rumors predicted that the 4S would be all-glass, or tear-shaped.)  Jobs had set them up.  During his tenure at Apple he made product design important in a way that it has not been important since the Bauhaus, when looking modern was very nearly the same as being modern.  Jobs brought high design into our everyday lives.